AUTOMODEON=Auto-mode enabled ERR_NOT_A_JPA_FILE=The file is not a JPA archive ERR_CORRUPT_ARCHIVE=The archive file is corrupt, truncated or archive parts are missing ERR_INVALID_LOGIN=Invalid login COULDNT_CREATE_DIR=Could not create %s folder COULDNT_WRITE_FILE=Could not open %s for writing. WRONG_FTP_HOST=Wrong FTP host or port WRONG_FTP_USER=Wrong FTP username or password WRONG_FTP_PATH1=Wrong FTP initial directory - the directory doesn't exist FTP_CANT_CREATE_DIR=Could not create directory %s FTP_TEMPDIR_NOT_WRITABLE=Could not find or create a writable temporary directory FTP_COULDNT_UPLOAD=Could not upload %s THINGS_HEADER=Things you should know about Akeeba Kickstart THINGS_01=Kickstart is not an installer. It is an archive extraction tool. The actual installer was put inside the archive file at backup time. THINGS_02=Kickstart is not the only way to extract the backup archive. You can use Akeeba eXtract Wizard and upload the extracted files using FTP instead. THINGS_03=Kickstart is bound by your server's configuration. As such, it may not work at all. THINGS_04=You should download and upload your archive files using FTP in Binary transfer mode. Any other method could lead to a corrupt backup archive and restoration failure. THINGS_05=Post-restoration site load errors are usually caused by .htaccess or php.ini directives. You should understand that blank pages, 404 and 500 errors can usually be worked around by editing the aforementioned files. It is not our job to mess with your configuration files, because this could be dangerous for your site. THINGS_06=Kickstart overwrites files without a warning. If you are not sure that you are OK with that do not continue. THINGS_07=Trying to restore to the temporary URL of a cPanel host (e.g. will lead to restoration failure and your site will appear to be not working. This is normal and it's just how your server and CMS software work. THINGS_08=You are supposed to read the documentation before using this software. Most issues can be avoided, or easily worked around, by understanding how this software works. THINGS_09=This text does not imply that there is a problem detected. It is standard text displayed every time you launch Kickstart. CLOSE_LIGHTBOX=Click here or press ESC to close this message SELECT_ARCHIVE=Select a backup archive ARCHIVE_FILE=Archive file: SELECT_EXTRACTION=Select an extraction method WRITE_TO_FILES=Write to files: WRITE_DIRECTLY=Directly WRITE_FTP=Use FTP FTP_HOST=FTP host name: FTP_PORT=FTP port: FTP_FTPS=Use FTP over SSL (FTPS) FTP_PASSIVE=Use FTP Passive Mode FTP_USER=FTP user name: FTP_PASS=FTP password: FTP_DIR=FTP directory: FTP_TEMPDIR=Temporary directory: FTP_CONNECTION_OK=FTP Connection Established FTP_CONNECTION_FAILURE=The FTP Connection Failed FTP_TEMPDIR_WRITABLE=The temporary directory is writable. FTP_TEMPDIR_UNWRITABLE=The temporary directory is not writable. Please check the permissions. BTN_CHECK=Check BTN_RESET=Reset BTN_TESTFTPCON=Test FTP connection BTN_GOTOSTART=Start over FINE_TUNE=Fine tune MIN_EXEC_TIME=Minimum execution time: MAX_EXEC_TIME=Maximum execution time: SECONDS_PER_STEP=seconds per step EXTRACT_FILES=Extract files BTN_START=Start EXTRACTING=Extracting DO_NOT_CLOSE_EXTRACT=Do not close this window while the extraction is in progress RESTACLEANUP=Restoration and Clean Up BTN_RUNINSTALLER=Run the Installer BTN_CLEANUP=Clean Up BTN_SITEFE=Visit your site's front-end BTN_SITEBE=Visit your site's back-end WARNINGS=Extraction Warnings ERROR_OCCURED=An error occured STEALTH_MODE=Stealth mode STEALTH_URL=HTML file to show to web visitors ERR_NOT_A_JPS_FILE=The file is not a JPA archive ERR_INVALID_JPS_PASSWORD=The password you gave is wrong or the archive is corrupt JPS_PASSWORD=Archive Password (for JPS files) INVALID_FILE_HEADER=Invalid header in archive file, part %s, offset %s UPDATE_HEADER=An updated version of Akeeba Kickstart (unknown) is available! UPDATE_NOTICE=You are advised to always use the latest version of Akeeba Kickstart available. Older versions may be subject to bugs and will not be supported. UPDATE_DLNOW=Download now UPDATE_MOREINFO=More information NEEDSOMEHELPKS=Want some help to use this tool? Read this first: QUICKSTART=Quick Start Guide CANTGETITTOWORK=Can't get it to work? Click me! NOARCHIVESCLICKHERE=No archives detected. Click here for troubleshooting instructions. POSTRESTORATIONTROUBLESHOOTING=Something not working after the restoration? Click here for troubleshooting instructions.